We all know how important the topic of mental health is, and it’s particularly important for uni students.
You might be living away from home for the first time. Trying to juggle your academic studies, socialising and earning some money. Experiencing feelings of overwhelm, stress and loneliness.
All of this means that UWE needs to be doing everything we can to ensure your mental health is one of our top priorities.
Which is why we are one of 96 universities across the UK to have joined the Student Minds University Mental Health Charter Programme. It aims to improve mental health support for both students and staff in the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic.
Student Minds is the UK’s student mental health charity and the Charter brings together universities committed to making mental health and wellbeing a university-wide priority to share practice and create cultural change.
It means we can work with these other universities to share good practice and make sure we are doing everything we possibly can to improve our approach to supporting your mental health.
You can read more about it in this news article published when we joined the charter programme.
So, what do we need from you? Well, as part of this work we’re asking you to complete an anonymous online survey to evaluate the charter programme and help shape the future direction of this work. The survey is open until the 1st December 2023.
You can read some further FAQs about this survey below – make sure you check them out before you open the survey.
What is this research project about?
This research is funded by Student Minds. We are exploring how organisations participating in the University Mental Health Charter understand and experience the process. We want to capture this data to feedback to Student Minds and to help them better understand how the Charter is implemented and improve it for future use.
Why have I been invited to take part?
You have been invited to take part because you are a student in an UMHC participating university and your experiences and perspectives are valuable to us in researching and learning about the issues described above. Five universities are participating as case studies, and surveys are being sent to students withing these universities
Do I have to take part?
No. It is your decision whether or not to participate in the research project. You have one week to decide.
What will happen if I take part?
You will be invited to complete an online survey via email, sent to you by the UMHC Staff Lead at your university. By clicking on the link in the email, you will be taken to the survey (which should take about 30 minutes to complete) to talk about and reflect on your experiences of your university and your understanding of the services it provides regarding mental health.
How will information/data be collected?
Information will be collected by Online Surveys.
How will my data be used?
Information collected will be examined and analysed by the research team to provide valuable learning about experiences at universities that are signed up to the University Mental Health Charter.
What measures are in place to protect the anonymity of my data?
Data from these surveys will be compiled into data sets and not attributed to a specific person, but rather compiled data from the university (the surveys are being sent to five participating universities). Surveys are sent out by email by the UMHC Staff Lead and the results stored in Online Surveys are anonymised.
How will my data be stored and what measures are in place to protect its security?
The survey data will be downloaded from Online Surveys, encrypted and stored securely on the UCLan system.
Our data protection guidelines comply fully with GDPR. The University processes personal data as part of its research and teaching activities in accordance with the lawful basis of ‘public task’, and in accordance with the University’s purpose of “advancing education, learning and research for the public benefit”. Under UK data protection legislation, the University acts as the Data Controller for personal data collected as part of the University’s research. The University privacy notice for research participants can be found on the attached link: https://www.uclan.ac.uk/data_protection/privacy-notice-research-participants.php
How long will my data be stored for?
Digital data transferred from paper-based materials will be kept securely for 7 years. As the link to the surveys are sent by email from the UMHC Staff Lead at your university we will not be storing your contact details.
Who will have access to my data?
Three researchers from UCLan will have access to the data.
Will my data be archived for use in other research projects in the future?
No, it will not.
Are there any risks in taking part?
There are no perceived disadvantages or risks involved in participation. If you should experience any distress or discomfort (mental, emotional or physical) or disadvantage as part of the research, you should make this known to the researcher(s) immediately. Should any sensitive subjects arise during survey completion, you can opt out of the study at any time (see ‘What will happen if I want to stop taking part?’) We are not collecting health-related data on participants.
Are there any benefits from taking part?
There are no anticipated benefits to you from taking part. Participants may find the survey engaging and interesting and that they will gain a greater understanding of how they understand the Charter. The results of the survey will also be fed back to Student Minds for their annual report and to help them improve the Charter.
What will happen to the results of the study?
Findings from this research will be published in report(s) which will be made available to participants. They may also be published in journals and, if requested, copies of these articles will also be made available to participants. As explained above, data will be anonymised and not personally attributable to you, and you will not be identifiable from the publicly available findings.
What will happen if I want to stop taking part?
You are free to stop participating at any time by simply closing the browser window the survey is open on your device. You do not need to give any explanation for why you wish to withdraw from the study.
After you click submit the data will be added to the database anonymously, and so it will not be possible to withdraw it, as the data relating to you as you will not be personally identifiable.
What if I am unhappy or if there is a problem?
If you are unhappy with anything to do with the evaluation, or if there is a problem, please feel free to let us know by contacting Dr. Alan Farrier (AFarrier@uclan.ac.uk) and we will try to help. If you remain unhappy, or have a complaint which you feel you cannot come to us with, then please contact the Research Governance Unit at OfficerForEthics@uclan.ac.uk.
The University strives to maintain the highest standards of rigour in the processing of your data. However, if you have any concerns about the way in which the University processes your personal data, it is important that you are aware of your right to lodge a complaint with the Information Commissioner’s Office by calling 0303 123 1113.
Who can I contact if I have further questions?
Dr. Alan Farrier (AFarrier@uclan.ac.uk)