Meet Becky, your Specialist Drugs and Alcohol Practitioner

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by Becky Risley

Who am I?

I’m Becky Risley your Specialist Drugs and Alcohol Practitioner.

What do I do?

I offer advice, information and support to students at any stage of their journey with substance use.

I also work closely with the Students’ Union to deliver drug and alcohol events and activities throughout the year. This is a great way for me to ensure you know all the facts about drugs and alcohol, allowing you to make informed decisions about your substance use.

Like this video we created at the start of year with VP Community and Welfare Fayaz.

You might’ve also seen me at the Welcome Fair’s at the start of term – this was a great opportunity to meet so many of you and speak to students who don’t need to access support, but are interested in the subject and keen to learn more.

How can I help?

I can offer three different support options including:

  1. A one-off educational session around the substances you (or someone else) are using and discuss ways to reduce the harm.
  2. Six sessions of motivational interviewing to support you to make changes to your substance use, which could include reducing, taking a break or stopping.
  3. I can also offer relapse prevention support if you decide you no longer want to engage in substance use at all. During these sessions we would look at making plans and setting goals to support your decision.

Want to know more?

Take a look at our drugs and alcohol webpage to find out more about the support I offer and helpful resources.

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