National Apprenticeship Week 2023: Higher and degree apprenticeships at UWE Bristol – Lauren

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Lauren is currently studying a higher and degree apprenticeship in Clinical Engineering at UWE Bristol.  Here’s what she had to say about higher and degree apprenticeships.

Find out more about our higher and degree apprenticeships.

Question 1: What motivated you to become a higher or degree apprentice?

I really wanted to study at a higher level and achieve a degree, but my circumstances made it difficult for me to afford full-time university study.             

Question 2: What skills have you gained during your apprenticeship which will benefit your career development?

From a workplace perspective, I’ve gained technical and professional skills that will support me as my engineering career progresses.

The University has supported me with scientific writing, presenting, networking, academic knowledge, reflective practice, and lab skills.        

Question 3: What are the top three things you would recommend to someone thinking about becoming a higher or degree apprentice?

A degree apprenticeship offers you a high standard of education and practical skills but it can be challenging to balance work/life/study so I would recommend you:

  • Consider whether your employer and the university are both a good fit for your needs.
  • Brush up on your time management skills and get to know how you learn best before you start your course so that you’re better prepared to manage the workload.

A degree apprenticeship will offer you a competitive edge against other candidates when competing for future vacancies.  You’ll be able to take advantage of the many opportunities presented by the University and professional bodies, and these will help you to decide what you want from your career, to network with others and make yourself more employable.

Question 4: What are your future goals after completing your apprenticeship?

Following my apprenticeship, I would like to further my career and study a master’s degree.

The University has exposed me to lots of potential career paths and I’m now considering pursuing a master’s in scientific communication, although, I’ve always had a deep-rooted interest in completing an MRES in cancer technologies. Which way I go is yet to be decided, but I know I would like to contribute to healthcare research in the future.

Question 5: Tell us a bit about your experience while doing your apprenticeship at UWE Bristol? (E.g. have you overcome any challenges?)

The University has always been very supportive, and I’ve really enjoyed the teaching and content.  I’ve faced some difficulties in my work environment, and I’ve really struggled to find a good balance between my work, study, and personal life, but my course leader and head of department at the university have been really helpful and offered me guidance whenever I’ve needed it.

Want to find out more?

Find out more about our higher and degree apprenticeships and explore the many higher and degree apprenticeship courses on offer with

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